Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Job Not Yet Finished...

About a year and a half ago, Laura had asked me to sort through Gram's poems and pick out some to put together into a notebook. To pay me for doing this, Laura made my family some (many!!!) delicious suppers. But, just after I had agreed to do this for her, Grant got his new job in Bolivar and we moved helter skelter. Laura had planned to give Gram the book of her poems for her birthday that year, but, though I gobbled down the payment for my work, I got side-tracked with the busyness of moving and a new job (that chronically demanded overtime hours from me) and I never got past illustrating/printing the first seven or eight poems. I hope Laura won't mind if I put them here on your blog, Gram. It was Laura's idea and meant to be her gift to you July before last. Look at the very bottom of your blog and you can see a preview of the book that Laura conceived and paid for, for you...

(posted by Monica to Mary's blog)

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